Queen Mary Univesity of London is one of the largest multi-faculty colleges of the University of London with over 11,500 UK, European and international students studying in four faculties which include the School of Medicine and Dentistry. The School of Physics and Chemical Sciences comprises nearly 60 members of academic staff whose research interests cover the whole spectrum of phisics, biological and chemical sciences, with internationally-acclaimed work in fields including evolutionary biology, genetics, protein structure and function and molecular synthesis and catalysis.
The Group and School are well appointed with a vast range equipment and facilities.
Facilities at SPBS-QMUL
Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
The laboratory is equipped with a number of mass spectrometry platforms to provide a range of analytical tests, including structural analysis of small molecules, protein identification, sequencing of peptides and proteins, lipidomics and metabolomics analysis, and absolute and relative quantification of biomolecules in complex matrices.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
The Transmission Electron Microscopy facility is dedicated to the ultra-structure analysis of a variety of biological samples.
Microscopy facility
Within the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, there are a number of microscopes available to support research, providing students and academic staff with access to high quality microscopy systems.
Zebrafish facility
The zebrafish (Daniorerio) is an established vertebrate model species used to explore development and gene function. The facility currently house a breeding room, behavioural observation room, a larger aquarium housing a nursery area and nine stand-alone units (Aquatic Habitats) with a total capacity to hold over 8000 fish.
NMR facility
Queen Mary’s high field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) service is equipped with one Bruker AV600 and two Bruker 400 MHz spectrometers. Solid-state NMR can also be provided by special request.