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86. Bilardo R, Traldi F, Brennan CH and Resmini M (2023). The Role of Crosslinker Content of Positively Charged NIPAM Nanogels on the In Vivo Toxicity in Zebrafish. Pharmaceutics  vol. 15, (7) 10.3390/pharmaceutics15071900

83. Anastasiadi RM, Traldi F and Resmini M (2022). Imidazole-Based Monomer as Functional Unit for the Specific Detection of Paraxanthine in Aqueous Environments. Chemosensors  vol. 10 (8) 10.3390/chemosensors10080301

80.Vdovchenko A, Pearce AK, Freeley M, O'Reilly RK and Resmini M (2021). Effect of heterogeneous and homogeneous polymerisation on the structure of pNIPAm nanogels. Royal Society of Chemistry  Polymer Chemistry  vol. 12, (47) 6854-6864. 10.1039/d1py01333e

77. Judah HL, Liu P, Zarbakhsh A, Resmini M (2020). Influence of buffers, ionic strength, and ph on the volume phase transition behavior of acrylamide-based nanogels Polymers vol. 12 , ( 11 ) 1 - 14 . 10.3390/polym12112590

74. Monteiro Â, Colomban S, Azinheira HG, Guerra-Guimarães L, Silva MDC, Navarini L, Resmini M (2020). Dietary antioxidants in coffee leaves: Impact of botanical origin and maturity on chlorogenic acids and xanthones Antioxidants vol. 9,(1) 10.3390/antiox9010006

71. Liu P, Pearce CM, Anastasiadi R-M, Resmini M*, Castilla AM* (2019). Covalently Crosslinked Nanogels: An NMR Study of the Effect of Monomer Reactivity on Composition and Structure. POLYMERS vol. 11, (2) n 353

68. Salinas Y, Hoerhager C, García-Fernández A, Resmini M, Sancenón F, Matínez-Máñez R, Brueggemann O (2018). Biocompatible Phenylboronic-Acid-Capped ZnS Nanocrystals Designed As Caps in Mesoporous Silica Hybrid Materials for on-Demand pH-Triggered Release In Cancer Cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 10(40), 34029-34038

65. Salinas Y, Castilla AM, Resmini M* (2018). An l-proline based thermoresponsive and pH-switchable nanogel as a drug delivery vehicle. Polymer Chemistry vol. 9, (17) 2271-2280

62. Gutiérrez Ortiz AL, Berti F, Navarini L, Monteiro A, Resmini M, Forzato C (2017). Synthesis of p-coumaroylquinic acids and analysis of their interconversion. Tetrahedron Asymmetry vol. 28, (3) 419-427

59.  Papadimitriou SA, Robin MP, Ceric D, O'Reilly RK, Marino S, Resmini M* (2016). Fluorescent polymeric nanovehicles for neural stem cell modulation. Nanoscale vol. 8, (39) 17340-17349.

56.  Zielinska K, Sun H, Campbell RA, Zarbakhsh A and Resmini M. Smart nanogels at the air/water interface: structural studies by neutron reflectivity. Nanoscale  (2016),  8(9) 4951-4960.

53.  Jorge AR, Chernobryva M, Rigby SEJ, Watkinson M and Resmini M. Incorporation of Cobalt-Cyclen Complexes into Templated Nanogels Results in Enhanced Activity. Chemistry - a European Journal  (2015) 22(11) 3764-3774

50. Saito G, Resmini M  New block-copolymers forming micelles for dermal drug delivery Disclosure of Invention, QMUL (2015) considered for patenting

47. Ton X-A, Bui BTS, Resmini, M, Bonomi P, Dica I, Soppera O, Haupt K  A Versatile Fiber-Optic Fluorescence Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Microstructures Polymerized in Situ Angew. Chem Int Ed, (2013), 52(3), 8317-8321

44.  Bonomi P, Servant A., Resmini M., Modulation of imprinting efficiency in nanogels with catalytic activity in the Kemp elimination J. Mol. Recogn. (2012) 25, 6, 352-360.

Selected as HOT ARTICLE in organic chemistry by Wiley (Sept 2012)

41. Servant A, Haupt K, Resmini M  Tuning molecular recognition in water-soluble nanogels with enzyme-like activity for the Kemp elimination. Chem. Eur. J.(2011) 17, 11052-11059.

38. Flavin K, Resmini M. Molecular imprinting with nanomaterials, chapter in ‘Advanced Nanomaterials’, Eds Geckeler and Nishide, WILEY-VCH (2009), (2), 651-673

35. Servant A, Haupt K, Resmini M, Catalytic imprinted nanogels for the Kemp elimination: synthesis and characterisation, Abstr Pap Amer Chem Soc, (2009),238, 487 COLL

32. Boucher G, Said B Ostler E, Resmini M, Brocklehurst K, Gallacher G Evidence that the mechanism of antibody catalysed hydrolysis of arylcarbamates can be determined by the structure of the immunogen used to elicit the catalytic antibody (2007) Biochem. J.401, 721-726

29.  Sonkaria S, Boucher, , et al.  Evidence for ‘lock and key’ character in antiphosphonate hydrolytic antibody catalytic sites augmented by non-reaction centre recognition: variation in substrate selectivity between antiphosphonate antibodies, antiphosphate antibodies and hydrolytic enzymes  Biochem. J. (2004) 381, 125-130.

26.  Maggiotti V, Bahmanyar S, Reiter M, Resmini M, Houk KN, Gouverneur V Unusual reversal of regioselectivity in antibody-mediated aldol additions with unsymmetrical methyl ketones Tetrahedron, (2004) 60/3, 619-632.

23. Hussain S, Pinitglang S, Bailey TSF, Reid JD, Noble M, Resmini M, Thomas EW, Greaves RB, Verma CS, Brocklehurst K Variation in the pH-dependent pre-steady-state and steady-state kinetic characeristics of cysteine-proteinase mechanism: evidence for electrostatic modulation of catalytic-site function by the neighbouring carboxylate anion  Biochem. J. (2003), 372, 735-746

20.  Maggiotti V, Bahmanyar S, Houk KN, Gouverneur V, Resmini M Theoretical studies on the antibody-catalyzed aldol reaction involving unsymmetrical enamine intermediates. (2002) Abstr Pap Amer Chem Soc, 223, 100.

17.  Oestler EL, Resmini M, Boucher, G, Romanov N, Brocklehurst K, Gallacher G Polyclonal antibody-catalysed hydrolysis of a beta-lactam Chem Comm, (2002)  (2), 226-227.

14.  Krell T, Maclean J, Boam DJ, Cooper A, Resmini M, Brocklehurst K, Kelly SM, Price NC, Lapthorn AJ, Coggins JR, Biochemical and X-ray crystallographic studies on shikimate kinase: The important structural role of the P-loop lysine Protein Sci (2001), 10(6), 1137-1149.

11. Resmini M, Gul S, Sonkaria S, Gallacher G, Brocklehurst K, Determination of the catalytic site content of a polyclonal catalytic preparation Biochem. Soc. Tran. (1998), 26, S170

8. Carter S, Resmini M, Simms C, Sreedharan SK, Gallacher G, Brocklehurst K Are polyclonal catalytic antibodies heterogeneous?, Biochem. Soc. Trans. (1997), 25, 865.

5. Resmini M, Meekel AP, Pandit UK  Catalytic antibodies: regio- and enantioselectivity in a hetero Diels-Alder reaction, J. Pure Appl. Chem. (1996) 68, 2025-2028.

2. Ferrari M, Orsini F, Resmini M, Sisti M  The unusual reactivity of 9-oxa-4-thia-tetracyclo[,7.010,13] tridecan-12-one-3-spiro-1’-cyclopentan-3’-ones : a molecular modelling study, J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem), (1994) 309, 105-112

85. Traldi F, Liu P, Albino I, Ferreira L, Zarbakhsh A and Resmini M (2023). Protein-Nanoparticle Interactions Govern the Interfacial Behavior of Polymeric Nanogels: Study of Protein Corona Formation at the Air/Water Interface. International Journal of Molecular Sciences  vol. 24, (3) 10.3390/ijms24032810

82. Bilardo R, Traldi F, Vdovchenko A and Resmini M (2022). Influence of surface chemistry and morphology of nanoparticles on protein corona formation. Wiley  Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology  10.1002/wnan.1788

79. Anastasiadi RM, Berti F, Colomban S, Tavagnacco C, Navarini L, Resmini M (2021) Simultaneous quantification of antioxidants paraxanthine and caffeine in human saliva by electrochemical sensing for CYP1A2 phenotyping Antioxidants vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 1 - 18.


76. Tommasini M, Pellizzoni E, Iacuzzi V, Marangon E, Posocco P, Forzato C, Bertoncin P, Toffoli G et al. (2020) . Fluorescent imprinted nanoparticles for the effective monitoring of irinotecan in human plasma . Nanomaterials vol. 10 , ( 9 ) 1 - 15 . 10.3390/nano10091707

73. Pearce CM, Resmini M (2020). Towards point of care systems for the therapeutic drug monitoring of imatinib . Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 10.1007/s00216-020-02545-4

70. Redivo L, Anastasiadi R-M, Pividori M, Berti F, Peressi M, Di Tommaso D, Resmini M* (2019). Prediction of self-assembly of adenosine analogues in solution: a computational approach validated by isothermal titration calorimetry. Phys Chem Chem Phys  21(8) 4258-4267

67. Saito G, Velluto D, Resmini M* (2018). Synthesis of 1,8-naphthalimide-based probes with fluorescent switch triggered by flufenamic acid. R Soc Open Sci vol. 5, (6) n.172137

64. Sun H, Resmini M*, Zarbakhsh A. (2018). Interaction of thermal responsive NIPAM nanogels with model lipid monolayers at the air-water interface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol. 519, 97-106.

61. Aksakal R, Resmini M*, Becer CR* (2016). SET-LRP of acrylates catalyzed by a 1 penny copper coin. Polymer Chemistry vol. 7, (43) 6564-6569

58. Pellizzoni E, Tommasini M, Marangon E, Rizzolio F, Saito G, Benedetti F, Toffoli G, Resmini M* Berti F*(2016).Fluorescent molecularly imprinted nanogels for the detection of anticancer drugs in human plasma. Biosensors and Bioelectronics vol. 86, Article C, 913-919

55.  Aksakal R, Resmini M and Becer CR (2016). Pentablock star shaped polymers in less than 90 minutes via aqueous SET-LRP. Polymer Chemistry  vol. 7, (1) 171-175

52. Papadimitriou S A, Salinas-Soler Y, Resmini M, Smart polymeric nanoparticles as emerging tools for imaging-the parallel evolution of materials   Chem Eur J (2015) 22(11), 17340-17349.

49. Mirata F, Resmini M, Molecular imprinted polymers for catalysis and synthesis Advances in Biochemic Eng/Biotech, (2015) DOI 10.1007/10_2015_319

46. Servant A, Rogers S, Zarbakhsh A., Resmini M. Polymeric organic nanogels: structural studies and correlation between morphology and catalytic efficiency New J. Chem., (2013),37, 4103-4109

43. Resmini M. Molecularly imprinted polymers as biomimetic catalysts. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2012) 402, 10, 3012-3026. Invited TRENDS article

37.  Flavin K, Resmini M. Imprinted nanomaterials: a new class of synthetic receptors Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2009), 393 (2), 437-445.

 Invited TRENDS article

34. Carboni D, Flavin K, Servant A, Gouverneur V, Resmini MFirst Example of molecularly imprinted nanogels with Aldolase type I activity Chem. Eur. J.  (2008), 23(14), 7059-7065

31.  Pasetto P, Maddock SC, Resmini M Synthesis and characterization of molecularly imprinted catalytic microgels for carbonate hydrolysis,  Anal. Chim. Acta (2005), 542, 66-75.

28. Maddock SC, Pasetto P, Resmini M. Novel imprinted soluble microgels with hydrolytic catalytic activity  Chem. Comm  (2004) 536-537

25. Reid JD, Hussain S, Bailey TSF, Sonkaria S, Sreedharan SK, Thomas EW, Resmini M, Brocklehurst K, Isomerization of the actinidin molecule prior to enzyme-substrate complex formation: kinetic accessibility of additional steps in enzyme catalysis provided by solvent perturbation Biochem. J. (2004) 378, 699-703

22.  Oestler EL, Dean CJ, Barber N, Valeri M, James S, Resmini, M, Boucher G, Romanov C, Brocklehurst K, Gallacher G A rat monoclonal antibody that catalyses the hydrolysis of a nitrophenyl-beta-lactam  Biochem Biophys Res Commun, (2002) 299 (2), 273-276.

19. Maggiotti V, Resmini M, Gouverneur, V Unprecedented regiocontrol using an aldolase I antibody (2002) Abstr Pap Amer Chem Soc, 223, 268

16.  Florez-Alvarez J, Brocklehurst K, Gallacher G, Resmini M, Synthesis of an aminoalcohol hapten for the generation of catalytic antibodies Tet Lett, (2002) 43 (1), 171-174.

13.  Topham C M, Gul S, Resmini M, Sonkaria S, Gallacher G, Brocklehurst K, The kinetic basis of a general method for the investigation of active site content of enzymes and catalytic antibodies: first-order behaviour under single-turnover and cycling conditions J. Theoret. Biol. (2000) 204, 239-256.

10.  Bastiani E, Benedetti F, Berti F, Flego M, Resmini M. A competitive assay for the detection of esterolytic activity of antibodies and enzymes Analyt. Biochem. (1998)  256, , 67-73.

7. Annunziata F, Ferrari M,Papeo G, Resmini M, Sisti M Asymmetric synthesis of 4(R)tert-butyl-8a (S) hydroxycarbonyl-4,6,7,8,8a,9-hexahydro-1-alkyl-pyrrolo[3,2-f]indolizines via intramolecular iminium ion cyclization, Synt. Comm. (1997) 27(1), 23-28

4. Meekel AP, Resmini M, Pandit UK Regioselectivity and enantioselectivity in an antibody catalysed hetero Diels-Alder reaction, Bioorg. Med. Chem., (1996), 4, 1051-1057

1. Jommi G, Orsini F, Resmini M, Sisti, M. A stereoconvergent approach to cicyclopenta[a.d]cyclooctane terpenoids via a very mild Cope reaction, Tet. Lett., (1991) 32, 696

84. Liu P, Freeley M, Zarbakhsh A and Resmini M (2022). Adsorption of soft NIPAM nanogels at hydrophobic and hydrophilic interfaces: Conformation of the interfacial layers determined by neutron reflectivity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol. 623, 337-347. 10.1016/j.jcis.2022.05.010

81. Rizzi E, Deligne C, Dehouck L, Bilardo R, Sano Y, Shimizu F, Kanda T, Resmini M, Gosselet F, Dehouck MP and Mysiorek C (2021). A Triple Culture Cell System Modeling the Human Blood-Brain Barrier. Myjove Corporation  Journal of Visualized Experiments  vol. 2021, (177) 10.3791/63134

78. Jones JI, Vdovchenko A, Cooling D, Murphy JF, Arnold A, Pretty JL, Spencer KL, Markus AA et al. (2020) Systematic Analysis of the Relative Abundance of Polymers Occurring as Microplastics in Freshwaters and Estuaries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health vol. 17 , ( 24 ) 9304 - 9304. 10.3390/ijerph17249304

75. Rose RS, Richardson KH, Latvanen EJ, Hanson CA, Resmini M, Sanders IA (2020) Microbial degradation of plastic in aqueous solutions demonstrated by Co<inf>2</inf> evolution and quantification . International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 21 , ( 4 )


72. Tommasini M, Pellizzoni E, Iacuzzi V, Marangon E, Posocco P, Forzato C, Bertoncin P, Toffoli G, Resmini M, Berti F (2019) Monitoring of Irinotecan in Human Plasma: Sensitive Fluorescent Nanogels by Molecular Imprinting, ChemRxiV

69. Sun H, Zielinska K, Resmini M, Zarbakhsh, A.(2018). Interactions of NIPAM nanogels with model lipid multi-bilayers: A neutron reflectivity study. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 536, 598-608

66. Redivo L, Stredanský M, De Angelis E, Navarini L, Resmini M, Švorcak (2018). Bare carbon electrodes as simple and efficient sensors for the quantification of caffeine in commercial beverages. R Soc Open Sci vol. 5, (5) 172146-172146

63. Zielinska K, Campbell RA, Zarbakhsh A, Resmini M* (2017). Adsorption versus aggregation of NIPAM nanogels: new insight into their behaviour at the air/water interface as a function of concentration. Phys Chem Chem Phys vol. 19, (26) 17173-17179.

60. Aksakal R, Resmini M, Becer CR Pentablock core-first star shaped polymers in less than 90 minutes via aqueous SET-LRP   ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY   Volume: 252   Meeting Abstract: 419   Published: AUG 20 2016

57. Resmini M. The ‘leaky’ pipeline Chemistry - a European Journal (2016) 22(11), 3533-3534

54.  Ray J V, Perollier C, Arotcarena M, Bayoudth S, Resmini M Smart coumarin-tagged imprinted polymers for the detection of chlomiphene,  Anal Bioanal Chem, (2016) 408(7), 1855-1861

51.  Panagiotopoulou M, Salinas Y, Beyazit S, Kunath S, Duma L, Prost E, Mayes AG, Resmini M et al.(2016). Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Coated Quantum Dots for Multiplexed Cell Targeting and Imaging. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl vol. 55, (29) 8244-8248

48. Resmini M, Marie Sklodowska-Curie ‘Innovative Training Networks’, Doctoral Education Bulletin,EUA-CDE (2014), 3, 4-5.

45. Cakir P, Cutivet A, Resmini M,  Tse Sum Bui B, Haupt K,  Protein-Size Molecularly Imprinted

Polymer Nanogels as Synthetic Antibodies, by Localized Polymerization with Multi-initiators Advanced Materials (2013), 25 (7), 1048-1051   

42. Resmini M, Flavin K, Carboni D ‘Microgels and Nanogels with Catalytic activity’ in Molecular Imprinting book series, Topics in Current Chemistry (2012) 325, 307-402.

39.  Pasetto P, Flavin K, Resmini M, Simple spectroscopic method for the titration of binding sites in molecularly imprinted nanogels with hydrolase activity Biosens. Bioelectr. (2009) (33), 25, 572-578.

36. Jorge A, Watkinson M, Resmini M, Biffis A, Svoboda J, Molecular imprinted nanogels as phosphate hydrolysis promoter, Abstr Pap Amer Chem Soc, (2009), 238, 63-CATL.

33.  Gul G, Hussain S, Thomas MP, Resmini M, Verma CS, Thomas EW, Brocklehurst K Generation of nuclephilic character in the Cys25/His159 ion-pair of papain involves Trp177 but not Asp 158, Biochemistry (2008), 47, 2025-2035.

30.  Chiva-Rodriguez A, Hawkes G.E, Berti F, Benedetti F, Resmini M Stereoselective synthesis of a novel pseudopeptide hapten  for the generation of catalytic antibodies Tet. Asym. (2004), 15, 1847-1855.

27.  Resmini M, Ostler EL, Gallacher, G, Brocklehurst K, Polyclonal catalytic antibodies, in Catalytic Antibodies: recent advances, Ed, E. Keinan, Wiley Pub.,(2004)  

24.  Gul S, Sonkaria S, Pinitglang S, Florez-Alvarez J, Hussain S, Thomas, EW, Ostler EL, Gallacher G, Resmini M, Brocklehurst K. Improvement in hydrolytic antibody activity by change in haptenic structure from phosphate to phosphonate with retention of a common leaving group determinant: evidence for the 'flexibility' hypothesis  Biochem. J. (2003), 376 (3), 813-821.

21. Oestler EL, Resmini M, Brocklehurst K, Gallacher G Polyclonal catalytic antibodies (2002), J. Immunol Method, 269(1-2), 111-124

18. Maggiotti V, Resmini M, Gouverneur V  Unprecedented regiocontrol using an aldolase I antibody (2002) Angew Chem Int Ed. 41(6), 1012-1016

15. Brocklehurst K, Resmini M, Topham CM, Kinetic and titration methods for determination of active site contents of enzyme and catalytic antibody preparations Methods (2001) 24(2), 153-167

12. Resmini M, Gul S, Carter S, Sonkaria S, Topham CM, Gallacher G, Brocklehurst K, A general kinetic approach to investigation of active site availability in macromolecular catalysts Biochem  J. (2000) 346, 117-125

9.  Resmini M, Vigna R, Simms C, Barber NJ, Hagi-Pavli EP, Watts AB, Verma C, Gallacher G, Brocklehurst K, Characterisation of the hydrolytic activity of a polyclonal catalytic antibody preparation by pH-dependence and chemical modification studies. Evidence for the involvement of Tyr and Arg sidechains as hydrogen bond donors, Biochem. J. (1997) 326, 279-287

6. Busch MHA, Boelens HFM, Kraak H, Poppe JC, Meekel AP, Resmini M Critical evaluation of the applicability of capillary zone electrophoresis for the study of hapten-antibody complex formation, J. Chromat. A, (1996) 744, 195-203.

3. Meekel AP, Resmini M, Pandit UK First example of an antibody-catalysed hetero Diels-Alder reaction Chem. Comm., (1995), 5, 571-572

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